19 de marzo de 2019

La melodía del que cayó de Lucila Martínez

17:15 0 Comments

Título: La melodía del que cayó
Autora: Lucila Martínez
Clasificación: Infantil y Juvenil - Narrativa
Año de publicación: Marzo 2019
Páginas: 100
Editorial: Editorial Vanadis
ISBN: 978-987-783-386-7
Compra el libro aquí

<<Si no te cuidas, él te tragará y te atará a su alma sombría. Debes mantenerte alejada del amo Shadowsky>>.

Luego de ser vendida como esclava, Katalia tiene un solo objetivo en su mente: escapar y ser libre. Para cumplirlo, tendrá que sobrevivir en el castillo de la familia Shadowsky durante algún tiempo. El problema es que para conseguir su ansiada libertad, tiene que ver a su amo, quien nunca se muestra ante la servidumbre.

Lo poco que sabe acerca del hombre que vive en la planta superior es que posee una forma de acariciar el piano majestuosa y melancólica. Eso y que jamás debe tocarlo si lo ve. A pesar de todas las advertencias, Katalia se duerme escuchando su triste y tenebrosa melodía, atraída por ella como si de una llamada se tratase. Una llamada al oscuro y envolvente Infierno...

De lectura rápida y atrapante el libro nos cuenta la historia de Katalia, una muchacha de 18 años que es vendida por su padre como esclava para trabajar en el castillo de la familia Shadowsky. Desde niña ha escuchado historias sobre una maldición que yace sobre la familia, sin embargo Katalia no las cree y una vez que llega al castillo está dispuesta a conseguir la libertad por parte de su amo, por más que todo el mundo le advierte que se mantenga alejada de él.
Si bien la historia es corta, lo que hace que la lectura sea veloz son las ganas de descubrir qué es lo que va a pasar al final de la historia. La forma en la que esta escrito, en donde al principio no tendrá demasiada acción pero se irá poniendo cada vez más interesante. 
Amé el personaje de Katalia, su confianza en si misma, sus ganas de ser libre, su fuerza. Es un personaje femenino que me gustó mucho. Obviamente también me gustó el del amo Shadowsky y me hizo recordar a otros personajes de sagas de ficción que te enamoran apenas los conoces (AKA Rhysand).
Me encantó también que sea una novela gótica, no hay demasiadas historias hoy en día con esa temática. La ambientación, el tema de la maldición. Son cosas que juntas no pueden fallar y Lucila supo como usarlas para crear esta historia sorprendente, porque el final es bastante fascinante y te deja con ganas de más. Te quedas como: Necesito más por favor señorita escritora.
Ojalá le den una oportunidad, más que nada es un muy buen libro para salir de un bloqueo lector. Porque a mi me dio ganas de seguir leyendo este tipo de historias.

Muchísimas gracias a la editorial por colaborar una vez más conmigo :)

10 de marzo de 2019

The Sister by Louise Jensen

13:27 0 Comments
Title: The Sister
Author: Louise Jensen
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Publication Date: 2016
Pages: 346
Publisher: Sphere
ISBN: 978-0-7515-7055-7
Buy it here!


'I did something terrible, Grace.
I hope you can forgive me...'

Grace hasn't been the same since the death of her best friend Charlie. She is haunted by Charlie's last words, and in a bid for answers, opens an old memory box of Charlie's. It soon becomes clear there was a lot she didn't know about her best friend.

When Grace starts a campaign to find Charlie's father, Anna, a girl claiming to be Charlie's sister steps forward. For Grace, finding Anna is like finding a new family, and soon Anna has made herself very comfortable in Grace and boyfriend Dan's home.

But something isn't right. Things disappear, Dan's acting strangely and Grace is sure that someone is following her. Is it all in Grace's mind? Or as she gets closer to discovering the truth about both Charlie and Anna, is Grace in terrible danger?

There was nothing she could have done to save Charlie... or was there?


"How quickly we can erase someone's physical presence, while their memory forever lingers."

First things first, I absolutely love the way the author write the kind of phrases that reaches your heart.
This is the story of a friendship, between Grace and Charlie, and how life can change in a minute. Grace is twenty-five years old, she works at a pre-school, has a cat call Mittens and has a boyfriend named Dan. But she also has a very deep scar, her best friend had died recently.
Her name was Charlie, she was a very loyal friend, she was Grace's best friend since they were nine years old. They were through lots of things together. But now the only thing that Grace has despite the memories, is a half gold heart on a chain engraved with 'BFF' Charlie gave her when she turned fifteen. The same day they buried a box with their 'hopes and dreams'. A box that Grace opened up later, when Charlie died, to read the content of a letter she wrote, where it said that Charlie wanted to find who her father was.
That's when Grace decided to find him. But when she started, a girl named Anna appeared, Charlie's half sister for real? We don't know that. The truth is Grace took her to live with her and her boyfriend Dan. And maybe things aren't clear for Grace, but as the story goes by we start to figure it out that Anna maybe isn't what she says she is and that the things that are happening to Grace aren't a coincidence.
Louise Jensen knows how to keep you entertained, and the novel alternates between the past and the present and that helps build up the tension.
I really liked Grace, but I find her a little naive. Especially with the Anna thing. She was paranoid all the time about things and I couldn't cop with that. She also felt guilty for things that weren't her fault, and that make me want to slap her in the face. (Sorry Louise haha). But at the end, she changes a little bit, and I'm happy she could deal with all that happened to her.
The sensation of that something was going to happen in ever chapter didn't left me since the middle of the book. I was so excited to discovered everything that I get very anxious about it. There were a lot of secrets, a lot of lies. Some lies made me very angry, and some secrets were heartbreakers.
There were a lot of things that happened in this novel, and were very well written. Everything was connected perfectly at the end and I know that if you give it a chance you will really enjoy this story. I'm really happy I didn't take the eye off of this book since I saw it on the internet and the cover called my attention.